主要从事材料与太赫兹波交互作用的多学科交叉领域研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金区域创新联合基金(重点类)课题、国家自然科学基金联合基金项目、青年科学基金项目、国际(地区)合作与交流项目、四川省科技计划重点研发项目、四川大学引进人才科研启动经费资助项目等多项。在Nature Communications、Trends in Biotechnology、Applied Physics Letters、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等刊物发表一作/通讯作者SCI收录论文六十余篇,获授权国家发明专利9项。
(1) 钒钛氧化物制备、相变性能与相变机制
(2) 低功耗多铁薄膜
(3) 太赫兹信息功能材料与器件
(4) 太赫兹生物成像造影材料
(1) Qiwu Shi*,#, Eric Parsonnet#, Xiaoxing Cheng#, Natalya Fedorova#, Ren-Ci Peng, Abel Fernandez, Alexander Qualls, Xiaoxi Huang, Xue Chang, Hongrui Zhang, David Pesquera, Sujit Das, Dmitri Nikonov, Ian Young, Long-Qing Chen, Lane W. Martin, Yen-Lin Huang*, Jorge Íñiguez, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh*, The role of lattice dynamics in ferroelectric switching. Nature Communications, 13, 1110, 2022.
(2) Ziyao Yan, Li-Guo Zhu, Kun Meng, Wanxia Huang, Qiwu Shi*, THz medical imaging: from in vitro to in vivo. Trends in Biotechnology, 40, 816-830, 2022.
(3) Tangdong Feng, Yiwen Hu, Xue Chang, Wanxia Huang, Daoyuan Wang, Hongfu Zhu, Tianyu An, Wenping Li, Kun Meng, Xueguang Lu, Basanta Roul, Sujit Das, Hua Deng, Kirill I. Zaytsev, Li-Guo Zhu, Qiwu Shi*, Highly flexible Ti3C2Tx MXene/waterborne polyurethane membranes for high-efficiency terahertz modulation with low insertion loss. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 7592-7601, 2023.
(4) Tangdong Feng, Wanxia Huang, Hongfu Zhu, Xueguang Lu, Sujit Das, Qiwu Shi*, Optical-transparent self-assembled MXene film with high-efficiency terahertz reflection modulation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 10574-10582, 2021.
(5) Zhiyao Yan, Wanxia Huang*, Xiongrui Jiang, Junzheng Gao, Yiwen Hua, Hengzhong Zhang, Qiwu Shi*, Hollow structured black TiO2 with thickness-controllable microporous shells for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 323, 111228, 2021.
(6) Qiwu Shi, Ke Tian, Hongfu Zhu, Zi-Run Li, Li-Guo Zhu*, Hua Deng*, Wanxia Huang, and Qiang Fu, Flexible and Giant Terahertz Modulation Based on Ultra-Strain-Sensitive Conductive Polymer Composites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 9790−9796, 2020.
(7) Hongfu Zhu#, Jiang Li#, Lianghui Du, Wanxia Huang, Jingbo Liu, Jinhao Zhou, Yuanfu Chen, Sujit Das, Qiwu Shi*, Liguo Zhu*, Cangli Liu, A phase transition oxide/graphene interface for incident-angle-agile, ultrabroadband, and deep THz modulation. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7, 2001297, 2020.
(8) Ting Zhang, Yaxin Zhang*, Qiwu Shi*, Xiaobo Yang, Shixiong Liang, Yuan Fang, Fanzhong Meng, Xubo Song, Yuncheng Zhao, Hongxin Zeng, Lan Wang, Feng Lan, Zongjun Shi, and Ziqiang Yang, On-chip THz dynamic manipulation based on tunable spoof surface plasmon polaritons. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 40, 1844-1847, 2019.
(9) Qingqing Huang, Yi Zou, Sencheng Zhong, Xia Yang, Jiang Li, Wanxia Huang, Hongfu Zhu, Cheng Cheng, Mingming Ding, Li-Guo Zhu*, Qiwu Shi*, Silica-coated gold nanorods with high photothermal efficiency and biocompatibility as a contrast agent for in vitro terahertz imaging. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 15, 910, 2019.
(10) Hongxu Zhu, Lianghui Du, Jiang Li, Qiwu Shi*, Bo Peng, Zeren Li, Wanxia Huang, and Liguo Zhu*, Near-perfect terahertz wave amplitude modulation enabled by impedance matching in VO2 thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 112, 081103, 2018.
(11) Zhaohui Zhai, Sichao Chen, Lianghui Du, Sencheng Zhong, Wanxia Huang, Zeren Li, Harald Schneider, Qiwu Shi*, Liguo Zhu*, Giant impact of self-photothermal on light-induced ultrafast insulator-to-metal transition in VO2 nanofilms at terahertz frequency. Optics Express, 26, 28051-28066, 2018.
(12) Zujia Shen, Qiwu Shi*, Wanxia Huang*, Bo Peng, Mingzhe Wang, Junzheng Gao, Yanli Shi, and Tiecheng Lu, Stabilization of microcrystal λ-Ti3O5 at room temperature by aluminum-ion doping. Applied Physics Letters, 111, 191902, 2017.
(13) Qiwu Shi, Guoqing Chai, Wanxia Huang*, Yanli Shi, Bo Huang, Dan Wei, Jianqi Qi, Fuhai Su, Wen Xu, and Tiecheng Lu*, Fabrication of nanocrystalline λ-Ti3O5 with tunable terahertz wave transmission properties across a temperature induced phase transition. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, 10279, 2016.
(14) Qiwu Shi, Wanxia Huang*, Tiecheng Lu, Yaxin Zhang*, Fang Yue, Shen Qiao, and Yang Xiao, Nanostructured VO2 film with high transparency and enhanced switching ratio in THz range. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 071903, 2014.
(15) Qiwu Shi, Wanxia Huang*, Yaxin Zhang, Jiazhen Yan, Yubo Zhang, Mao Mao, Yang Zhang, and Mingjing Tu, Giant phase transition properties at terahertz range in VO2 films deposited by sol–gel method. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 3, 3523, 2011.
E-mail:shiqiwu@scu.edu.cn; shiqiwu_cd@126.com