张传芳,四川大学特聘研究员(正高级),博士生导师,国家级青年人才,国家海外高层次人才引进计划入选者,天府峨眉计划入选者,四川省特聘专家,四川省专家服务团专家,四川大学百人计划A类入选者,四川大学印刷智能传感通信集成器件团队负责人。华东理工大学-美国德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University)联合培养博士(导师:Yury Gogotsi教授)。任美国能源部资助下的Drexel-UCLA合作项目的主要研究员(2012-2014),爱尔兰都柏林圣三一学院博士后(2015-2019),瑞士联邦理工学院联邦材料所高级科学家、项目负责人(2019-2022)。受邀担任70余个同行评议期刊审稿人,如Nature, Nature Comm, JACS, Angewandte, Adv. Mater., Joule, Adv. Energy Mater.等;担任欧盟研究基金(ERC starting, consolidate)、德国自然科学基金(DFG)等国际基金委的通讯评审专家。围绕二维MXene单晶稳定性、高质量MXene片层设计与批量制备、印刷柔性储能、传感及通信集成电子领域做了一系列引领性的工作。迄今发表92篇SCI论文,如Nature Energy, Nature Commun. (3), Adv. Mater (3), Energy Environ. Sci., Mater. Today, The Innovation等杂志,其中VIP论文2篇,ESI热点论文7篇,ESI高被引论文29篇。H-index为53,被Science, Nature, Nature Energy等SCI杂志引用14,400余次。入围2016年、2018年爱尔兰年度青年领军人物、年度实验科学家、年度实验研究员等称号;被评为2019欧洲华人十大科技领军人物。《Journal of Energy Chemistry》新锐科学家,2022/2023连续两年被评为“科睿唯安”全球高被引科学家及美国斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家、2022世界科研新锐。目前担任《中国材料科学进展》期刊编委、《Energy Materials》国际编委、《Chinese Chemical Letters》、《Energy Environmental Materials》等国际杂志青年编委。主编第二部MXene专著。
研究方向: 1. 高质量MXene的精准合成路径
2. 高能量密度准固态柔性电池的印刷
3. 强韧性高灵敏电子皮肤的集成印刷及应用
4. 高增益-超长传输距离的天线结构功能一体化设计
招生专业: 博士研究生


代表性论文 (* 通讯作者,# 同等贡献)
1)Y. Shao, L. Wei, X. Wu, C. Jiang, Y. Yao, B. Peng, H. Chen, J. Huangfu, Y. Ying,* C. Zhang,* J. Ping,* Room-temperature high-precision printing of flexible wireless electronics based on MXene inks, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 3223 (被引44次,ESI高被引论文)
2)C. Zhang,* L. McKeon, M Premer, S.-H. Park, O. Ronan, A. Seral-Ascaso, S. Barwich, C. Coileáin, N. McEvoy, H. Nerl, B. Anasori, J. N. Coleman, Y. Gogotsi,* V. Nicolosi,* Additive-free MXene inks and direct printing of micro-supercapacitors. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1795(被引754次,ESI高被引、热点论文)
3)C. Zhang,* # S.-H. Park #, A. Seral-Ascaso, S. Barwich, N. McEvoy, C. Boland, J. N. Coleman,* Y. Gogotsi,* V. Nicolosi,* High Capacity Silicon Anodes Enabled by MXene Viscous Aqueous Ink. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 849(被引用269次,ESI高被引、热点论文)
4)C. Zhang, B. Anasori, A. Seral-Ascaso, S. Park, N. McEvoy, A. Shmeliov, G. Duesberg, J. N. Coleman,* Y. Gogotsi,* and V. Nicolosi*, Transparent, Flexible and Conductive 2D Titanium Carbide (MXene) Films with High Volumetric Capacitance, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1702678(被引用1010次,ESI高被引、热点论文)
5)S. Abdolhosseinzadeh, R. Schneider, A. Verma, J. Heier,* F. Nüesch and C. Zhang,* Turning Trash into Treasure: Additive Free MXene Sediment Inks for Screen-Printed Micro-Supercapacitors, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 2000716 (被引用239次,ESI高被引论文)
6)C. Zhang,# S. Pinilla,# N. McEvoy, C. Cullen, B. Anasori, E. Long, S. Park, A. Seral-Ascaso, A. Shmeliov, D. Krishnan, C. Morant, X. Liu, G. Duesberg, Y. Gogotsi,* V. Nicolosi,* Oxidation stability of colloidal two-dimensional titanium carbides (MXenes), Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 4848-4856 (被引用1112次,ESI高被引、热点论文)
7)C. Zhang,* M. Liang, S.-H. Park, Z. Lin, A. Seral-Ascaso, L. Wang, A. Pakdel, C. Coileáin, J. Boland, O. Ronan, N. McEvoy, B. Lu, Y. Wang, Y. Xia, J. N. Coleman,* V. Nicolosi,* Extra Lithium-Ion Storage Capacity Enabled by Liquid-Phase Exfoliated Indium Selenide Nanosheets Conductive Network, Energy Environmental Science, 2020, 13, 2124
8)S. Abdolhosseinzadeh, X. Jiang, H. Zhang, J. Qiu, C. Zhang,* Perspectives on Solution Processing of Two-Dimensional MXenes, Materials Today, 2021, 48, 214 (被引用158次,ESI高被引论文)
9)N. Li,* J. Peng, W.-J. Ong,* T. Ma, Arramel, P. Zhang, J. Jiang, X. Yuan, C. Zhang,* MXenes: An Emerging Platform for Wearable Electronics and Looking Beyond, Matter, 2021, 4, 377 (被引用109次,ESI高被引论文)
10)C. Zhang,*# L. Cui#, S. Abdolhosseinzadeh, J. Heier, Two-dimensional MXenes for lithium-sulfur batteries, Infomat, 2020, 2, 613 (被引用225次,ESI高被引、热点论文)
11)C. Zhang,* # W. Zhao,* # S.H. Park,# T. Guo, S. Deng, A. Seral-Ascaso, M. Si, R. Grissa, S. Barwich, and V. Nicolosi, Interconnected Metallic Membrane Enabled by MXene Inks Toward High-Rate Anode and High-Voltage Cathode for Li-Ion Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials. 2023, 33, 2213860
12)T. Guo, D. Zhou,* S. Deng, M. Jafarpour, J. Avaro, A. Neels, J. Heier,* C. Zhang,* Rational Design of Ti3C2Tx MXene Inks for Conductive, Transparent Films, ACS Nano, 2023, 17 (4), 3737
13)T. Guo, D. Zhou, M. Gao, S. Deng, M. Jafarpour, J. Avaro, A. Neels, E. Hack, J. Wang, J. Heier,* C. Zhang,* Large‐Area Smooth Conductive Films Enabled by Scalable Slot‐Die Coating of Ti3C2Tx MXene Aqueous Inks, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2213183
14)S. Deng, T. Guo, F. Nüesch, J. Heier,* C. Zhang,* Stable MXene Dough with Ultrahigh Solid Fraction and Excellent Redispersibility Toward Efficient Solution Processing and Industrialization, Advanced Science, 2023, 2300660
15)B. Zhang, W. Zou, Z. Ju, S. Oi, J. Luo, C. Zhang,* X. Tao,* L. Du,* Separator Engineering Basedon Cl-terminated MXene Ink: Enhancing Li+ Diffusion Kinetics with a Highly Stable Double-Halide Solid Electrolyte Interphase, ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 22, 22755–22765